louis dalmau
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louis dalmau
HOW IT ALL STARTED Dalmau’s work has undergone a variety of successions and periods. Dalmau’s formal training is in fine art which he studied in New York, U.S.A. and Barcelona, Spain. Though Louis is a surrealist at heart, his early works were inspired by cubism. After gaining the media's attention and being inducted into the Miami art scene, his work was found to be very versatile and his surrealistic progression started manifesting itself in his work, and in his unusual exhibition spaces. Dalmau's surrealistic orientation gave birth to dozens of new paintings and projects. His new style was very well received and Dalmau's work began displaying frequently in galleries and becoming high in demand. A NEW ERA A new era was embarking on to the art world, one called digital, intertwining the conventional process of painting with the knowledge of computer technology. New and sophisticated creations were making an induction. A bizarre and scary outcome was a modern resurgence discreetly making art history. Louis found this concept insulting, frightening, and at war with thousands of years of a cultural interpretation. How could a computer mouse replace a quality sable brush and a canvas be replaced by an electronic screen, one with the capacity of being reused and reproduced endlessly After months of denial that this artistic movement was real, Louis surrendered and bought his first electronic art materials, a computer and art software. Experimenting with these amazing tools opened the doors to a whole new world for Louis. Skepticism soon became a belief that nothing could stand in the way of the imagination. Louis an art teacher at the time found himself back in the classroom re-learning technique through technology. Hundreds of works were conceived during this transition. Dalmau was now obsessed with the merger of art and technology. This passion hungered to learn more and more making Louis proficient in the leading software available to create artwork